Why you shouldn’t give up on your dreams now
The 1st quarter of the year is already and you still have those goals written on paper. You are probably asking yourself, where did the time go? How is April already? What have I been doing since January? You are probably sitting there feeling like a failure, feeling sad and sobby because you have not accomplished all those goals and time is running out.
Well, before you continue beating yourself up before you give up on those dreams, I want to share my story with you. I want to tell you about how I thought my goals were completely done when they weren’t.
5 years ago I quit everything, packed a small bag, collected all the funds I could collect and I moved to Italy without any family, no friends, and started a journey. I was only 18 when I took this big leap, despite all of these struggles and roadblocks I made that move anyways. I had a dream, I set out goals for myself and I made myself a promise that no matter how long it would take I will, I must achieve those goals for myself.
What society calls “successful” (the standard miserable 9–5 jobs ) wasn’t the big picture for me
I was tired of dreaming, wishing for it, hoping, praying but yet sitting in one place with no action, the same lame pattern
I took that scary leap, went to business school in Rome, and started my personal brand to teach others how to gain complete confidence, and design a life that makes their souls dance.
I built a platform that now serves thousands of people worldwide how to discover and own it in their personal brand, style, and confidence.
I was told I will become a prostitute. To that, I have a response now: Look at me now and baby I am just getting started
I had no funds so I was told I will be broke, I will never make it. Someone even said that Talent and passion do not pay bills out there, well to that I can show them the 6 figures casually multiplying in my bank account
All this is to say
You may not know what is going to be…
You may not know how it’s going to happen…
But you must choose courage, You must choose you
“Take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.”
I want you to be courageous today and keep going, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”
Make this moment your moment, get back on track, re-strategize, you can still do this, I know you can!

- ✅Who is really Lenora ( what is my story )
I was born and raised in Bamenda Cameroon, my parents got divorced when I was 6 months old and my dad left me then, did not bother about me, so I grew up with my grandma and mom. At age 17 I started seeking my own path in life, I wanted to get away from my hometown to find something I did not know yet. I knew that that thing was not in my hometown Bamenda, each time I closed my eyes I saw a light that was beyond me and I knew I had to step into it. I knew I had to go into the world to find that light. At 18 I moved to Italy to study business. I did not know anyone in Italy but I knew that it would be the start of a new page in my life. My decision to move abroad was met with a lot of hostility for my immediate family who did not believe that I would survive in the world. They told me I would
More than moving abroad to study, I moved abroad to find myself. To find out who I really was and used that to fulfill my purpose and mission in this world. I was seeking the bright light I always dreamt of. I was seeking to find and discover myself outside of preexisting notions that had been built by my family and society about me. I was on a mission to find out who Lenora is without any judgment or boxes. My time in Italy was met by lots of financial, emotional, and physical challenges and difficulties. I become financially independent at age 19, I started my career in the field of personal branding, image consulting, confidence, and style consulting. I had to fend for myself, to use my voice, skills, and hard work to demand the things I really wanted for myself, I stepped into these roles because I knew firsthand that there is power in knowing who you are and showing up in my true and authentic self. I made it a point to help every and any person I came across, see the best in themself and show up with that class and confidence. Because of this drive and passion, I started trying out different business and entrepreneurial initiatives, especially in the fields of personal branding, style, fashion, and education. I started working and designing for my brand Biche designs and then I went out to become the founder of Lenora’s Confident Closet. An online program that teaches professionals how to uplevel their brands using style and confidence