What am I going to wear? A nerve-racking dilemma
What am I going to wear?
How often do you find yourself asking this question
What am I going to wear for that date?
What am I going to wear to work today?
What am going to wear to church?
What am I going to wear to that event? Can you relate?
In fact, which one of these questions do you find yourself asking very often, let me know in the comments.
Usually, this question is followed by some panic, long hours of looking at your closet, trying on multiple outfits back to back, chances are you may not even like all that you have tried and the next move is to go shopping to end up wearing something else or regretting why you bought that new thing in the first place. Sounds familiar?
A study even shows that 81% of people confess to having trouble getting dressed for an event. Some people actually skipped an event entirely because they didn’t have the right clothes
You probably don’t even realize how often you panic at the thought of what you want to wear.
If you are a business person or someone who leads a very busy life, I want you to give some thought as to how much time you spend figuring this out. Now think about how much time you would save if you didn’t have to worry about this. Think about how you could dedicate this time to making business and money-making decisions. If only you had a system, a sort of blueprint, template, a uniform that you can easily reach out to for every occasion in your life. For every time you ask yourself, what am I going to wear, you could look at the template for reference and immediately have an answer. Imagine how much easier your life would be and the best part is having those outfits that represent you and make you feel absolutely fabulous every single time!
Honestly, it’s no surprise you struggle with this every day. I mean think about it.
Did anyone ever teach you how to dress up? Unlike other things in life, many of us were never taught how to dress up, so we go through life managing our way through fashion without actually taking the time to learn the beautiful art of dressing our best selves.
Yes! dressing up is an art we have to learn.

Now Imagine that you were called today to give the biggest speech/presentation of your life and when the question What would you wear comes up, you have the answer or you have someone to help you figure it out every single time.
Imagine that Your closet looked like heaven and your wardrobe made you feel ready to conquer the world every time.
Imagine that your clothes made you feel like a queen, a king, a prince a princess every single day.
How many of you will like to become a bit braver, to be confident enough to ask for a raise to start or finish that project, leave a big legacy, get yourself that dream job and salary and that bonus without you even asking for it. How would you like to say more with less? How would you like to walk into a room and speak so loudly without even opening your mouth?
How many of you would like to feel peace and freedom and rejuvenation each time you looked at your closet and dressed up and looked at yourself in the mirror.
How many of you will like to inspire your kid, your family, and your colleagues to go out and be the best version of themselves.
Don’t miss out on that job, that wife, that husband, contract, legacy because you don’t know what to wear.
Do not miss out on the opportunity to experience, wealth, freedom, luxury because you are depressed by your clothing
Let go and let your true self be
Change the question from what am I going to wear today to who am I going to be today, how do I want to feel today, and how do I want the world to see today.
As a stylist, it’s literally my passion, my job to help you figure out what to wear, to help you create a system, to simplify your life to the point we’re part where you don’t have to panic at all when you think about clothing. I am paid so much for my services not because I choose clothes for people, but because I help them see and show up as their true selves, and when you show up authentic, you definitely attract the right opportunities and people into your life. I get paid to make my clients' life easier by taking away the stress that comes with this, by holding their hands and teaching them how to dress up as themselves. How to make sure the world truly sees you, hears you, and feels the real impact you have in the world. I am in the business of transforming lives, of transforming people inside out and I am so proud and happy to do this every single day.
I have taken hundreds of people through this and I see them thriving every single day in all areas of their lives because this was well taken care of in the right way. You can be that person too, all you need to do is say the word and I will be happy to help you, to walk with you on this journey because I want to see you win too. You can book a call to work with me here. I believe my clients see such incredible results in my programs because of how much I care and relate with them through our shared experiences. I know what they have all been through so it makes me an expert on how to help them become more authentic just as I did.
My tools and system are proven. Every day I have students and clients reach big “aha” moments get their breakthroughs and transform right under my eyes with the tools I give them.
My mission is to help high-impact individuals showcase who they truly are through style so the world can truly see you, hear you & feel your impact.

My own passion is to see you shine in your own skin
See more about my services here
Let’s go
With love,
Coach Lenora