10 practical ways to boost your confidence starting NOW!
Here are 10 things you can practice from today to boost your confidence

Many times, my clients ask me for tips that can help them become more confident. I am a firm believer that gaining confidence is not a day’s job, you can’t just fake it till you make it, you have to put in the work from within. However, you can practice it until you become it, so here are 10 tips to help you practice.
Smiling you and those around you in a good mood. You best believe when you are in a good mood you are bound to act with more confidence. You are more confident in doing things. So keep smiling!
2. Stand up straight with your chest.
Seriously! try it right now, sit upright! That felt good right? When you stand up straight, you temporarily wipe out some negative emotions, which reassures a state of self-confidence.
3. Take your hands out of your pocket!
This generally gives off the impression to others that you are closed off and not open to conversations and ideas, so try not to get into the habit. Instead, try maintaining an open body posture and use your hand gestures some more.
4. Look straight ahead.
Looking straight ahead, the impression is that the goal is firm. It will increase self-confidence!
5. Stay clean and refreshed
Wear clean clothes, do your hair, smell fresh, and so on. Looking neat and presentable gives you a strong sense of self and boosts your confidence always. I mean ALWAYS!
6. Be generous when walking.
When walking, keep your feet steady, hold your chest up and look ahead.
7. A strong handshake.
When shaking hands with people, shake hands according to your own strength! A strong handshake is also a sign of good health.
8. Maintain ey contact
When speaking and doing things, looking at others with firm eyes
9. Open the mouth and speak clearly
Speaking is the most important way of communication between people. So open your mouth, and make sure to communicate audibly and clearly.
These are a few pointers I wish someone had told me when I was looking to build more confidence. At first, I did not notice how some of these practices were affecting my confidence, some did not come naturally to me but I practiced daily and put in small steps. Today these are habits that are ingrained in me. Try some of these small actions and over time, you really see very significant results.
I teach tips like this every day in my confidence club and my clients are witnessing amazing results, I am talking salary raises, closing bigger deals, getting engaged to their dream partners and so many other testimonials. I know you too are looking to grow in confidence so I am inviting you to join the club. In fact, we are offering a huge scholarship opportunity for anyone who joins today. After 24 hours this offer will be off the table.
This is no joke, if you want to see these results you can do that right now. The longer you wait, the more money you waste, and the more money you leave on the table because of low confidence and time wasted. I know you want to do this so jump in and let me help you
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All my love,
See you on the inside